Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Universe is Speaking to Me

When I use that phrase, "the universe is speaking to me", of course I am referring to God. But not necessarily God in the ordinary sense, some religious image of ruler, triune, person, all being, creator. The phrase does speak to me of that One, plus many other possibilities. For example, the universe can speak to me when my unconscious mind breaks through into my conscious mind and I have some much needed insight, wisdom. The universe can and does speak to me through situations, scenes, and most of all, people. A beautiful rainbow or sunset that triggers a sense of wonder and mystery can bring that feeling of being spoken to. So also can being surrounded by loved ones laughing and enjoying one another.

Even when I am feeling my least worthy, which I confess is way too often, the universe breaks through to speak to me in unexpected ways, sometimes the least expected of all.

For example, I got a card in the mail today. It is from a former parishioner. Let me say that my experience of her was that she was the most demanding and difficult of them all. What I always thought was that when I was her pastor, I could never really quite please her, never do enough, never succeed enough. Of course, ninety percent of that was my own internal dialogue I am sure. And no doubt I projected that mightily onto her, but she surely projected some of those expectations onto me.

I have retired. She and her husband have moved to another state and are living close to children, and receiving care for diminishing abilities, including her husband's severe dementia. Her kind and sweet note spoke of their appreciation of my years of ministry in their church, how special those years were for them, and how much they enjoyed me and my husband Gerry. I would never have guessed that at the time. But I do recognize that the universe is speaking to me through her words, giving me a boost when I need it, an affirmation, a word of encouragement.

I try to listen when I am being spoken to.

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