There have been endless weeks of below freezing temperatures. Maybe there has been one or two days when the temp was in the high 30's. After a while, it gets to me. I need bright sunshine, and signs of spring. We are far far from that now!
But I certainly should not complain, given the weather conditions in much of the nation at the moment, buried in many feet of snow. At least here in the snow belt where that is typically the case, we have not been buried at all. There has been a slow steady drizzle of snow, enough to keep the skiiers happy, and the ground covered, but no blizzards. In Maryland and DC, government and schools and businesses are shut down!
I saw on tonight's news a picture of a beautiful red cardinal sitting on a branch waiting for the squirrel to leave so it could get at the feeder. What a thrill it would be to see a sight like that! I love spring, when the first hint of buds begin to push out ever so slightly. I love the fact that I have forgetten exactly what bulbs have been planted where and will be surprised at everything that pops up. Last fall, I planted a lot of new roots and bulbs, given to me by a friend. This is a new house in a new location, so I am still unfamiliar with everything. Plus, we planted a redbud tree, and I love seeing the purple flowers that preceed the leaves, and last only a few days. There are several flower beds buried deep beneath the snow. There is a vegetable garden in the works.
Even though I know it is three months away, it makes me happy just to think about spring!
Think spring! Think spring! And eventually it will come.
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