A blank blog page stares back at me, and sometimes I cannot think of anything to say. Since the 'writing rule' is, don't say anything you don't want the world to know, that does inhibit one's writing. Especially if one is a pastor. There is always the chance that a parishioner--- past, current, or future, might happen upon one's blog. That being the case, I don't use swear words (like I see on-line sickeningly; but truly I don't use swear words in my non-blog life either). I don't write about personal things related to my family (at least only minimally). I don't reveal inappropriate personal information. So all that does limit the scope.
Maybe my blogging is slowing down. I am committed to doing a year's worth, from December 2009 to December 2010. I'll just have to be happy to let the frequency go in spurts, rather than daily.
A blank page can be a very inviting, exciting thing. Or it can taunt you.
Of course, in this case, the page is not a page or paper at all, but a computer screen.
That makes me think of how much the world has changed. I rarely use stamps any more, and when I do, I buy them in a sheet, and not a 'book'. We don't 'dial' our phones any more, but push button them. The younger set doesn't even talk on them, but texts.
You can punch a button and stop a movie, or mute the sound, or cook a dinner.
Even if it is not much better than a blank page, you can 'click a mouse' and 'publish a post.'
So here goes.
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