The woman I visited today is 92. She has a 1985 Buick with only forty thousand miles on it. The folks from the church are certainly interesting. One person was born in her house and has lived in it all her life. Some came to the church when the church across the street closed a year or so ago. Others came when a different church closed many years ago. Some come from an array of other denominations.
One comes to church in her motorized wheel chair; another with her walker from a senior citizens high rise across the street. Several grew up in orphanages. Many are volunteers at the library, hospital, county office building. The county building was the former high school, so many of the older folks attended there before the new building was built on the hill.
They are musicians and professors, artists and doctors, mothers and teachers, lawyers and fathers, veterinarians and hardware store owners. One loves the Renaissance. The one I will visit tomorrow is a Rush Limbaugh fan. That ought to be interesting.
The first disciples were a motley crew. It is no different today.
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