Certainly today seems like an "in between" time, between winter and spring. The sun is brightly shining, and makes you think of enjoying the outside, but it is deceptively cold. Last night the temperature went into the teens, I think. But by the middle to end of the week it should be in the sixties. I am looking forward to playing tennis outside. If the sun shines and it is that warm, I will expect to see daffodils!
Also, I think this is an in between time, as I am still "transitioning" from working to retirement. It is approaching two years since, so you'd think I would have that completely accomplished, but I don't.
Gerry is in between right now too. Today was probably his last day of skiing for this season. He got his goal number of days. Now he has to transition from daily skiing into his next routine, both physical activity, and mental activity.
I was thinking again today about why the transition from pastor of church to retirement is so difficult. At least, I can speak about my own situation. As pastor of the church, all your relationships, your activities, your social events, your work, your play, are all centered in the church community. When that is gone, everything is cut off. I/ we are working at building new community, making new friends, finding meaningful activities, but that doesn't happen overnight.
[ Well, it does if you move in as the pastor of a church, where all of that is already in place and waiting for you. Otherwise, not!]
I do trust that in another year, we will have made a great deal more progress in getting established. I've been thinking lately that perhaps what I (we) need more than I need a job, is a church home. Since we have so much invested where I am (interim) right now, perhaps we'll have to stay put.
Of course, interim, by its very definition, means in between.
Maybe my interim days should come to an end and we should settle down. Interim also means unsettled, temporary.
Perhaps I should re-think my retirement goal of doing interim ministry.
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