We did pretty much manage to steer clear, but it took great determination on my part! A friend of hers a few weeks back had warned me: "If you are a Democrat, whatever you do, don't tell her!"
On the refrigerator were pictures of Ronald Reagan and Fred Thompson. At one point she said to me, "Oh, the media is terrible. They are so biased!" I paused for a moment and said, "Don't you think Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are biased?" She said, "Oh, yes, but they are biased in the right direction!
She was a most fascinating lady and we actually had a lot of fun together. Lots of laughter. We shared our stories. She has lived through a great deal, a debilitating accident some years back, some major medical issue, twenty something surgeries. But she is very bright and interesting, despite her political leanings (in the wrong direction).
At one point she told me that her husband thinks she looks good, but then, he can't see very well! And she herself just had cataract surgery on one eye. Before that she didn't know she had wrinkles!
She had read in the church newsletter about my southern heritage. She herself is half southern, having a southern grandmother. Her experience is similar to mine. Even to this day, southerners have the imprint of the civil war still in their psyches, whereas Yankees think about it not at all.
Perhaps that is always true of the defeated, who pass along the sting for generations to come.
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