Recently, Gerry has been spending time with his children and grandchildren---one family in Utah, another in Vermont. I haven't gone because I am working. But as the only non-skier, there's really not much reason for me to go anyway, since that's what they all do. So I spend time with my own children and grandchildren back here in New York. Today I had lunch with Brenda. Monday I am having lunch with Michelle. I tried to connect today with the third daughter, but she already had plans. Yo and Matt are in Vermont with that branch of the family.
Like me, Brenda doesn't especially enjoy shopping, so she doesn't have a lot of reasons to go out for lunch. I'm glad we finally made it to check out the Green Cafe. The last time we tried that on her birthday, it was closed! It was good to talk about the challenges of raising children. With two little ones who have been sick this past week, she has had a difficult week.
I told Brenda that I think it is probably easier to parent when you are in your twenties, as I was when she was born. She asked if I meant physically easier. Yes, that, but also emotionally. When you are younger, you don't think about it so much, you just do it. You don't second guess yourself. You just get through it without a lot of self-reflection, which tends to come later with age and experience.
It is the hardest job in the world, by far! Nothing else even comes close.
They do grow up, and need you less. (But if you're lucky the relationship is forever.)
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