I am very fortunate and blessed to be able to serve as the officiant at my children's weddings. So far, they have wanted me to. It is a unique and rare privilege, and a thrill to be part of this special event in that way.
In order to prepare for that, I met today with daughter MC (middle child) and her fiance' PA (to protect his identity.) We went over all the details of the wedding and what the ceremony would contain. It was my first "semi-official" meeting with them. Of course, as mother, I can not really be all that "official", but it was a wonderful experience for me. It was a context in which I learned a lot about MC's future husband, PA.
In fact, PA did something that I felt was so very thoughtful and helpful. Yesterday, in preparation for our meeting today, he delivered what he called a "long overdue letter" in which he described his feelings about marrying MC, and he described what their relationship is like. I was so happy to receive that letter, which gave me insight and brought me comfort! The pair of them are among the most humble and gentle souls you would ever meet!
They have been together for five years now, and I could not be happier. No doubt their wedding will be a joyful event for both families, as we witness the joining together of our children.
With both M & P and Yo and Matt, Gerry and I are so glad we have "lived to see this day" when these two offspring have found their best friends and lifelong partners.
And the greatest of all is love!
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