I have certainly done my share of leading services in various types of retirement home settings. Sometimes they have been assisted living places. Other times, they have been memory care facilities. In both those settings, for the worship leader, it often felt like (or looked like) no one was paying much attention. Frequently, they could not hear, or they slept. Announcements over the PA system would interrupt the flow of the attempted service. I always found these very challenging experiences. I did learn a lot about what worked in those situations and what did not. Any serious attempt at a message usually did not. Music was a language to which they could relate. Sadly, I am not much of a singer.
In my current church situation, I now have responsibility for leading the once a month service at the retirement home in the neighboring community. The residents are alert and awake and appreciative. But what makes it such an unbelievably delightful experience is that this is also a ministry for the choir. In fact, it is not at all unusual for there to be more of us than there are of them. Today, I counted nine worshipers, which is all that could actually fit in the chairs and couch. There were probably more than a dozen choir members. Up close and personal like that, hearing them sing is a special treat that I cannot even describe really. I feel like the rest of the worship service is incidental, and the music is the major focus. For sure, it is for me!
In a way, I honestly feel like this is my reward! After so many years of service to the elderly in homes, going solo, with only my own resources to sustain me, having a full choir with me feels like a heavenly reward that God is bestowing upon me for my faithfulness!
I also would comment that working with this choir director feels the same way. After some difficult and/or challenging music directors and/or choir directors, she is all goodness and light, enthusiasm and talent, joy and laughter.
I am enjoying premature heavenly reward!
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