Some time last week, Yo mentioned that she and Matt have decided they want to have a slideshow at their rehearsal dinner. She asked if I would pick out some photos for that. I spent quite a bit of time going through all our photo albums and choosing photographs from all the different stages of her life. Gerry scanned them and burned them onto a CD and I shipped off the CD to Maggie, Matt's sister who got recruited to put it all together. Somewhere in the midst of all of that discussion, I decided that it would be a lot more fun if they do not see it ahead of time, but are surprised by what is put together. Yo agreed.
Going back through our lives in pictures is always so amazing, shocking, interesting. First, it is amazing because it is hard to remember ever looking like that (very thin and quite lovely) (Gerry said that the pictures of me made him absolutely drool). It is hard to believe so many years have gone by so quickly, especially since Yo was born. Because we were older when she was born, time has flown by even faster.
Looking at all the albums sort of made me sad that I don't "do" photo albums any more. That all fell by the wayside with the coming of digital cameras into our lives. Now we have pictures on the computer, or camera. I honestly don't like it nearly as much. Yes, it is quick, versatile, portable, transmittable, attachable, and all those things....but I still miss the 'good old photo album days'.
Going back through our lives in picture reminds me how full, how rich, how varied, how challenging our lives have been. One sees the places we have lived and traveled, the places we have played, the different configurations of our homes, parsonages, churches, people.
Matt and Yo's pictures will be combined for the slideshow. Even I will be surprised by the final product. Gathering the photos to show her growth and development provided a wonderful journey back through our lives, a trip I don't take very often.
What a glorious life it has been.
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