Much to our amazement, the culprit in the garden turned out NOT to be the bunny, who has been false accused! When I kept complaining about the damage to my garden, Gerry went and took a look. Lo and behold, he immediately saw deer tracks! They were clear and obvious. The deer kept eating the tops off of the beans.
It is utterly amazing to think that in our inhabited, civilized development, deer come into this yard! I've never ever seen a deer around here. Obviously, they wait until deep in the night to go prowling!
They demolished two of the six pepper plants. Then a few nights later, they nipped off every single okra plant. Now the okra plant was an afterthought when a daughter of mine mentioned that she had tried to grow them once. I might have gotten enough okra for one pan of fried okra, but it was hardly worth the effort anyway.
The garden has grown now ten times larger than in this picture. We will have a bumper crop of squash and zucchini. We already have a bumper crop of lettuce. There ought to eventually be plenty of tomatoes. That's not bad for the first garden in a long time. It has actually turned out to be better than I expected!
Nancy, Nancy, not contrary, how does your garden grow?
With squash and beans, and cukes also,
They all grow well this year,
Except for the nightly nibbling of the most unwelcome deer!
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