We are really into the wedding details now! (I wonder how detail oriented Chelsea Clinton and Hillary were? Chelsea is getting married today.) Yo is really into all the tiny little details, much more than I would ever have thought to be. Michelle is not. My job for Friday was to meet with the florist, and take pictures of the sample centerpiece that he made for Yo. I took pictures of it and came home and emailed them to her. She had a million questions (or at least a half a dozen!).
Today there have been emails flying back and forth about the "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" tradition. The 'something new' that she needs are some appropriate wedding earrings. She emails websites so I can check those out too, and offer my feedback. Her ears have not been pierced for very long, and she isn't really accustomed to wearing loops in her ears. On her wedding day is probably not the best time to try that out!
Michelle's wedding is now only two weeks away! Time does fly. She is much less involved with some of the details. She told the florist what she wanted, but left it at that. Hers is an outside wedding. They agreed to let me rent a tent, just as a back-up option in case of rain. Hopefully, that won't be necessary. All of us are trying to stay out of the details that don't have to do with our specific area. (Cilla's daughter is singing at Yo's wedding, but which song and how that is coming is not Cilla's territory.) (The ceremonies are my territory, but not the receptions.)
Of course, for all the sisters, there are many wedding details that have to be tended to, such as making the wedding cake (which Cilla is doing for both weddings). They need bridesmaid dresses fitted and ready for Michelle's wedding. Three year old grandchild needs a flower girl dress and shoes. Husbands need some dressy clothes. Gerry needs a tux times two! (that and a checkbook!)
It will be a year to remember, for sure---the year of two weddings!
As far as the marriages go, we could not be happier!