Thursday, August 26, 2010

Paying Attention

I am reading a book by Deepak Chopra, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.  I have read some of his material over the years.  This book was in the New Release section of the local library.   I'm so glad I found it.   It offers clarification on a lot of things that are very helpful for me.  For instance,  he explains the difference between reflection, contemplation and meditation.  I was unaware of the subtle distinctions, and might use the first two interchangeably. 

 Reflection tends to primarily intellectual, taking a second look at one's beliefs and assumptions.  Contemplation focuses on a thought until it expands as far as it can, hopefully to the point of letting go.  Meditation is a search for a higher state of awareness.  This is more about emptying than thinking.   I find this helpful so I can identify where I have traveled along this spectrum.   I have done a great deal of reflection, maybe even a 9 on a scale of 10.   I have even gotten into contemplation of some matters,  to the point that healing has occurred.  Meditation is a state I have experienced very rarely.  I have indeed had fleeting moments of higher awareness,  but those were not really a result of deep focus and intentional breathing.

Another fascinating description is the difference between soul, mind and brain.  This is how that was described:

Soul carries the potential
Mind carries the intention
Brain produces the result

Chopra does not espouse any one particular religion, but speaks from a position of "universaility".  He quotes Christ frequently,  which is very helpful for the Christian reader to be able to put into context some of the more eastern ideas.

At this particular moment in my life,  (and perhaps for a long time)  I am definitely on the spiritual path to expand, grow, learn, heal, discover new possibilities.   The clues always come from the soul.  The trick is to learn to listen for it, pay attention, trust it.

I am open, and listening.

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