I like moving into a new year. A new year is like a fresh start, a blank slate. I like leaving the old year with everything orderly.
That is probably why I make it standard practice to take down the Christmas tree before the new year begins. It belongs to the outgoing year instead of the incoming one. We got our tree weeks ago, and by now it is beginning to drop needles. And the process of removing it generates an unwelcome host of green needles on the white carpet. All of this takes takes some effort. Things need to be tidy and put back in order.
The fresh new calendar on the refrigerator will have lots of things written on it over time. There are infinite possibilities. I like to leave old baggage behind, whenever possible, and move ahead toward new opportunities.
I do not do new year's resolutions, however. I like to think of possibilities instead, surprises yet to happen, goals to be fulfilled, new people to meet, dreams to come true.
There are some new things I am looking forward to in 2010; hopefully a new work opportunity.
A couple of family weddings. Good health. The pleasures of daily life.
And I'm sure, blessings galore!