This morning there was a framed picture on my desk. It was a very thoughtful gift---a picture of me on the occasion of the first time preaching to this congregation. It was left anonymously, but I am sure I know who did it, because of the vantage point from which the picture was taken. It is oriented from a position near where the organist sits. I am sure she is the one. The organ, by the way, seems to have a couple of hundred pipes. The Senior Pastor is sitting to the right.
What you cannot see is that I am standing on a wooden platform which they provided, out of concern that I would not be seen above the top of the pulpit, due to my short stature. I was a little worried that in one of my excited hand waving moments I might fall off of the platform, which would have been very humiliating. But I managed to stay centered. Next time I do not think I will use it. I am sure they will still be able to see my head. That is all they really need to see.
The choir is overhead. They are really awesome. But I cannot see the choir at all. Too bad!
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