Gerry had an uneventful trip on the way out to Utah. Trying to get home is another story! First, his flight out of Salt Lake City was delayed, which meant that he would not make his connection in Detroit. He got a later flight to Detroit, but had to spend the night there. His flight out was early, so he got two hours of sleep. The next thing I heard was that his plane (the one headed for Syracuse) had maintenance problems. Then there was the possibility of flying into Rochester, NY.
All of New York is under severe weather warnings, currently being deluged with snow. Last I heard, his plan was to fly into Rochester, rent a car, drive to Ithaca to pick up his car, which is where he was originally supposed to be flying into.
Since I haven't heard in a while, he must be in the air. I hope he at least makes it out of Detroit and into New York. However, the weather here is not promising. Hopefully, he will get in before the worst of the snow storm arrives later today.
I don't know how I would handle it if it were me. Not well, that's for sure! These are the reasons I hate to fly. It is not the flying itself; it is all the other issues related to it--namely having no control over your circumstances. When I am ready to be home, I am very very ready to be home. I'm sure Gerry is too. My heart goes out to him.
At the moment, there are no family reasons that would make it mandatory for me fly. Yo lives within driving distance, as do all my other children. If I can't drive there, I don't want to go!
But to tell you the truth, I am at a place in my life when I'd just as soon stick close to home. I've done enough traveling in my life to satisfy that need many times over!
Now all I want is for Gerry to be home safely!