"Writing, after all, is something one does. A writer is something one is." Benjamin Moser, NYTimes
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Passover Seder

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Super Sunday Special

Today was a wonderful worship service, if I do say so myself. There were many substantial elements to the service. But the thing that made it most special to me was the fact that Yo was there, as well as two good friends from my former congregation, who had come to hear me preach, and check out the "new digs". The musician half of that couple was especially impressed with the organ, which has more pipes than you could imagine.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
In Between

Certainly today seems like an "in between" time, between winter and spring. The sun is brightly shining, and makes you think of enjoying the outside, but it is deceptively cold. Last night the temperature went into the teens, I think. But by the middle to end of the week it should be in the sixties. I am looking forward to playing tennis outside. If the sun shines and it is that warm, I will expect to see daffodils!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dream List

I have always tried to keep a dream list, bucket list, things I want to do. The past year or two, there hasn't been much on it, because most of what has been on the list has been done, accomplished, experienced. Secretly, I always wanted to play tennis in the Empire Senior Games, but never would have dared to play singles. I don't mind losing, but would hate being totally humiliated. Anyway, recently one of my tennis doubles partners and I have decided that we would like to play doubles in the Games. Now that is something I would be willing to try. My partner is quite good, though neither of us have played in any competitive sports competition. We'll see how that goes. I'm excited.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Big Night

As so often occurs, everything is happening at the same time. It is a big night tonight, with multiple important events. There is a church dinner and program, which we will attend, and then everything else will have to be fitted in after. We'll miss the tipoff of the Syracuse game. They are playing in the Sweet Sixteen in Salt Lake City. My guess is that some folks who usually go to the dinner will opt to stay home and watch the game.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Staying Close to Easter

As the date of my retirement was approaching in 2008, I do remember thinking, (and also saying out loud) that I would definitely miss preaching on Easter, as that is my favorite day of the year to preach. I love everything about Easter, but the resurrection message most of all.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Her Lifelong Friend

This morning I visited a woman who was being admitted to the hospital for surgery on her knee. I knew that she was a widow. With her were her daughter, and her female friend of forty years. For some reason, I was really struck by that---knowing someone long enough to have been friends for that long. Due to numerous moves, I can't say that I have a friend I've known since my school days. The only people I have had a relationship with that goes that long are family members.
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Day of Rest

Saturday, March 20, 2010
High School Musical
Last night, we went to see a high school musical, Willie Wonka, in which my granddaughter "Drea" had a part. It was opening night, so some family members went then; others are going tonight, and others next week.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mark and Luke

Not far from my office is the office of a therapist, ‘Mark’. I’ve met Mark a number of times over the years. We are from the same denomination and know one another through clergy gatherings. Passing each other in the parking lot and on the stairs, we have both found it interesting that we ended up in the same building, same town (different denomination from our own).
Whenever Mark is between clients, he sometimes leaves his door open, and if I am passing by the door, he is always friendly. Today, I was caught off guard to be greeted by Luke, a tall, dark and beautiful dog that was in Mark’s office. Mark explained that Luke is a therapy dog. Hugging or touching are not within Mark’s boundary limits [his clients are mostly female]. I found it very fascinating to learn about Luke, the therapy dog, who fills that void and provides the touching function. Luke is well trained, lovable, affable, very ‘touch feely.’ He rubbed his head against my hip, nicely, but insistently, wanting to be petted.
I’ve read that peoples’ pets play a role in their overall well being . I’ve heard of using pets with the elderly at nursing homes. It just never occurred to me what an important part they can play in a person’s healing.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What Do I Want?

Last night I tried to get Gerry to "interview me" and ask me all sorts of questions about what I want for the future. That's because I can't seem to figure out what I want (relative to work and retirement activities). Part of that was asking if I am going to need a part time job to be happy, or if I want a part time appointment, which would still be every week, and tie me down. Even a small church worships every Sunday. At the moment, I am not inclined to do that. Honestly, I cannot seem to transition into non-ministry thinking. Maybe I just need a few more years to get to that point.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
During the War

The town in which I live has a university. Sixty years ago, it was much smaller, and mostly just a teacher's college with a general education major and a physical education major. "Beth" whom I visited today recalls the sad times when she was a student here. It was during World War II. The college had seven hundred women and just thirteen men. The rest were at war. She met her husband in town when he came home on leave from the military. She has been here ever since.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Feeling Appreciated

It is always nice to feel appreciated. I had that kind of a Sunday. So many people, unexpectedly, for no particular reason, wanted to tell me how much they appreciate my ministry. It wasn't even my Sunday to preach, so I gather that it is more just my presence there than anything else. I am a particularly "good balance", "good complementary mix" with the senior pastor, a young male.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A Blank Page

A blank blog page stares back at me, and sometimes I cannot think of anything to say. Since the 'writing rule' is, don't say anything you don't want the world to know, that does inhibit one's writing. Especially if one is a pastor. There is always the chance that a parishioner--- past, current, or future, might happen upon one's blog. That being the case, I don't use swear words (like I see on-line sickeningly; but truly I don't use swear words in my non-blog life either). I don't write about personal things related to my family (at least only minimally). I don't reveal inappropriate personal information. So all that does limit the scope.
Friday, March 12, 2010
About Nothing
I don't have anything to write about today. I wonder if I can write about nothing? Didn't Jerry Seinfeld have a television show about nothing? That's what I have read.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Political Junkie

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Folks from the Church

The woman I visited today is 92. She has a 1985 Buick with only forty thousand miles on it. The folks from the church are certainly interesting. One person was born in her house and has lived in it all her life. Some came to the church when the church across the street closed a year or so ago. Others came when a different church closed many years ago. Some come from an array of other denominations.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Signs of Spring

The sun is shining! That alone is a great gift. I also noticed some sprouts peaking out of the ground where I know that I planted spring bulbs. There is some ugly spreading ground cover in the same place that I want to get rid of. I so much wanted to pull them out this morning, since they are choking the bulb sprouts. But all that is still frozen in place, reminding me that this is probably just a tease. In New York, it can well be into May before frost has finished having its way. I try to remember not to delude myself!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Spending Time With Family

Recently, Gerry has been spending time with his children and grandchildren---one family in Utah, another in Vermont. I haven't gone because I am working. But as the only non-skier, there's really not much reason for me to go anyway, since that's what they all do. So I spend time with my own children and grandchildren back here in New York. Today I had lunch with Brenda. Monday I am having lunch with Michelle. I tried to connect today with the third daughter, but she already had plans. Yo and Matt are in Vermont with that branch of the family.
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Demolition Dilemma

In a city nearby, there is an old abandoned building close to a major interstate which starting spitting bricks onto the highway. Since that happened, I believe it was the state department of transportation that condemned the building so that it could be demolished. Then came all the legal wrangling about who, how, when that would occur, but most of all, who would pay for it. Actually, the demolition is not even the expensive part. That would be easy to accomplish, and though costly, nothing compared to the cost of the clean-up. It would be a toxic site, probably full of asbestos.
I got to thinking about how similar that is to people. It is very easy to criticize them, to tear them down, to destroy them with a cruel and unkind word. And all of that can pretty quickly add up to some serious toxicity in their spirits.
While the city and the state and the lawyers try to figure out a solution, meanwhile the drivers are all forced into a detour mode, going a different route from the most direct one.
People’s lives are like that too. If they get bogged down with toxic feelings and beliefs about themselves, it can take much of their lives to work that out. Meanwhile, they may be off on some different path from the one they might have traveled if it were not for the damage.
This interesting political situation just makes me think about how very easy it is to demolish, and how very difficult to clean up the mess!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Challenging Visit
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
All About Nard

At the moment, I am studying three different scriptures because on the second Sunday I am teaching the adult class; on the third Sunday, leading worship at the retirement home; on the fourth Sunday, preaching.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Above Freezing