In a city nearby, there is an old abandoned building close to a major interstate which starting spitting bricks onto the highway. Since that happened, I believe it was the state department of transportation that condemned the building so that it could be demolished. Then came all the legal wrangling about who, how, when that would occur, but most of all, who would pay for it. Actually, the demolition is not even the expensive part. That would be easy to accomplish, and though costly, nothing compared to the cost of the clean-up. It would be a toxic site, probably full of asbestos.
I got to thinking about how similar that is to people. It is very easy to criticize them, to tear them down, to destroy them with a cruel and unkind word. And all of that can pretty quickly add up to some serious toxicity in their spirits.
While the city and the state and the lawyers try to figure out a solution, meanwhile the drivers are all forced into a detour mode, going a different route from the most direct one.
People’s lives are like that too. If they get bogged down with toxic feelings and beliefs about themselves, it can take much of their lives to work that out. Meanwhile, they may be off on some different path from the one they might have traveled if it were not for the damage.
This interesting political situation just makes me think about how very easy it is to demolish, and how very difficult to clean up the mess!
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