It is always nice to feel appreciated. I had that kind of a Sunday. So many people, unexpectedly, for no particular reason, wanted to tell me how much they appreciate my ministry. It wasn't even my Sunday to preach, so I gather that it is more just my presence there than anything else. I am a particularly "good balance", "good complementary mix" with the senior pastor, a young male.
Receiving a personal letter is a rare treat these days. I got one in today's mail, and it too was a big surprise. Some time back, I had written in my blog about a special friend, my "other mother". A few days ago, it occurred to me that she might enjoy reading it, so I sent her a copy in the mail. She does not, of course, have a computer. Today, I got a letter from her husband expressing appreciation to me for the "blog entry" about her. He was going to make a copy to send to each of their children. That's pretty special. It was an amazing letter for sure. I know that she would love to see it, but I have put it away in my "appreciation box."
Years ago, when I first started in the ministry, and had a tendency to get discouraged, I saved all my "special appreciation notes" and put them in a box. I have quite a collection in my appreciation file! I have read them once or twice over the years. The most precious ones come from my children. But they are all special because they remind me that I am loved.
I'll admit, though it is kind of sad, that I am unable to 'take it in' emotionally when someone expresses deep appreciation for me. I deflect it, feel like it can't really be about me, convince myself that it is all about the role. It has always been very hard for me to grasp being a special person in someone's life.
But today, I am deeply feeling it----feeling appreciated!
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