The sun is shining! That alone is a great gift. I also noticed some sprouts peaking out of the ground where I know that I planted spring bulbs. There is some ugly spreading ground cover in the same place that I want to get rid of. I so much wanted to pull them out this morning, since they are choking the bulb sprouts. But all that is still frozen in place, reminding me that this is probably just a tease. In New York, it can well be into May before frost has finished having its way. I try to remember not to delude myself!
But I think I am hard wired from my childhood experiences to expect an earlier spring. I should have gotten over that long ago, since I have lived in New York longer than I lived in the south. I can remember some years going to visit my mother around the first of February, and the daffodils were out in full force.
It is still early March here, so there is no reason to expect spring. But I do, every day, or at least, some signs of it! And today I have signs. Sunshine and bulb sprouts. Reminders of the life to come.
The reason why I love spring so much is the new life coming! For me, I see that in the earth around that, and also feel it on the inside, as I also come alive in a new way as the season emerges fully.
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