I got a phone call today saying that the engagement announcement will be in this Saturday's paper. Yo and Matt had photographs taken for that purpose. (Yo is her blog name, to protect her privacy). Time flies by!
She seems to have flown from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. As parents, of course, you wonder where in the world did the time go? She was riding a bike not so long ago! Then she was off to college and in the blink of an eye, she graduated.
It may not have seemed quite as fast for her as it does for her parents. The older you get, the faster it flies! And we are older indeed.
Yo and Matt have been a developing couple since she was 18, and by the time of her wedding, she will be 25. In a way, they have grown up together. I suppose that continually growing into one's self, and into life is what we all do, and ultimately what marriage is all about. The stages just keep coming! I know that for sure, because they are still unfolding for me.
I wasn't allowed to post the picture of her in her wedding dress [understandably] because that might spoil the surprise, but perhaps I can get away with posting the engagement photo, which is going public soon anyway. (not that she reads my blog, because she does not).
What a lovely bride she will be!
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