Today I decided I would go to the big mall in the big city 30 miles away. I haven't been to that mall in probably ten years. Since then, they have greatly expanded it, changed the entrances, the access, the roads around. The last time I made a trip to that city was not long ago to visit someone in the hospital. On that trip, I lost my car in the hospital garage, so I made very sure I knew exactly where my car was located, near what entrance, the number and color of the entrance. I even wrote it down. I did not, however, take particular note of the roads as I entered the mall parking lot.
So I did my little shopping and headed out of the parking lot. I did not end up leaving the same direction I had come. I kept looking for signs for 81 South, but none were to be seen. I only saw 690W signs, and that was not a direction I wanted to go. The only positive thing I can think of is----I did have confidence that I could eventually find my way out of that particular city. I could wander for a while without have a panic attack! After all, I used to live in its suburbs. The truth is, I ended up in the absolute heart of down town in the height of rush hour (never finding the right route number sign). Then I had to rely on street names. I saw one that I thought tapped into 81 South. I traveled down it for a while, remembering you have to first turn off onto some other street before you can find the entrance to the interstate. I didn't know its name. I realized that I needed to look at the map, but by now, I am in a neighborhood that is known for its drive-by shootings, so I didn't really want to stop to study a map! I did find the right road and was so so glad to see an 81 South sign! I'm sure I was lost for at least an hour! And very tired.
I'm not much of a shopper. It mostly makes me exhausted, and I can never find anything that fits, so I don't know what I was thinking I would accomplish! (very little, actually).
I have so many good abilities and skills. Sadly, navigating is not one of them! It's not always easy being me!