Growing things are about at their peak. Some are past their peak. The lushness of summer is going to fade soon, alas. But my vegetations dreams have all been met, and exceeded.
1. Despite many challenges from critters, our garden grew....and grew and grew! It is actually a big responsibility to have a garden. One feels the need to do something with all the produce, since it so enthusiastically presented itself! So far, between church and office giveaways, freezer and frig, I'm doing okay!
2. I have a trellis that I bought three years ago, but have never had anything to grow up it! Three climatis plants bit the dust and I gave up. Then late in June, I bought a couple of morning glory plants, as a last ditch effort, and the vine has now made it all the way to the top! Yippee. (no flowers yet, but maybe).
3. We added some rose bushes and hydrangea plants, and they are now healthy and vigorous. The corner garden in the front yard has done very well this year. A russian sage plant which I bought and planted, froze at first. But it eventually managed to make a comeback. Next year it will be twice as large!
4. Even though some animal has been eating away at the bottom of my gladiola plants, they have still managed to produce three beautiful glads for me! And, of course, I am so glad!
5. Gerry has kept the grass perfectly manicured!
6. We have had both sunshine and rain in abundance!
All in all, it has been a very very good summer so far. There are more good things to come, I know, but maybe not in the vegetation category!
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