This morning I went to sit down on the sun porch to drink my coffee, a special treat. (one I don't get to do on work days, just days off) I immediately noticed a blue flower on my trellis. I was so excited. I have had my trellis for three years now, and only toward the end of this summer have I managed to get anything to climb up it. There have been many disappointing and costly attempts. I have waited so long to see that morning glory.
I consider it a special omen of good things to come. This is the week of Michelle's wedding. And here clearly, is something blue! The flower blossomed at just the right time, as far as I am concerned. So also did she! What a blessing they will be for each other. The signs of that are already clear.
Last night we had a wonderful evening with her fiance's parents, who are from Spain. It was good to spend some time together and get acquainted before the wedding. The conversation flowed easily, as did the affection and appreciation. They had seven children. We have seven between us. Both fathers were professors at Cornell. It was a special occasion for all of us.
I trust that the wedding will be a glorious occasion for all of us as well, as we bring together two different families. That's what the flower speaks to me.
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